In Memory of
Aida Lydia Burgos Santiago, also known as Aida Colón Rodríguez
March 22, 1931 - August 3, 2023.
Aida passed away peacefully in her home with family and friends surrounding her.
Aida is survived by her husband, Angelo Colon; her sons, Raul & Carlos; her grand children; great-grand children; and great-great-grand children.
"We miss your presence, we treasure your memory and we will love you forever" -
Your husband Angelo, your children Raúl and Carlos, Grandchildren, Great-grandchildren, Great-great-grandchildren, Family and Friends.
En Memoria de
Aida Lydia Burgos Santiago, tambien
conocida como Aida Colón Rodríguez.
22 de marzo de 1931 - 3 de agosto de 2023.
"Extrañamos tu presencia, atesoramos tu recuerdo y te Amaremos por Siempre"
Tu esposo Angelo, tus hijos Raúl y Carlos, Nietos, Biznietos, Tataranietos, Familiares y Amigos.